

PISCES [ Feb 19- Mar 20]
Pisces people have a loving personality. They are far more sensitive than people of other sun signs. When you're in love with a Pisces, be careful of what you say, as your carelessly thrown comments can hurt them deeply.Due to their high imagination, Pisces can become great artists and storytellers. They also have the power to grasp various details of something that ordinary people tend to miss. They possess an amazing ability to recall things that they learn. Besides, they are generous and honest. They dislike suffering. Hence, you may find them participating in charitable activities. They are visual people. Routine activities tend to suck their energy.Pisceans have a desire to experience and imbibe new things. Hence, they love traveling, which provides them with relaxation and wards of boredom. Shorter trips are more beneficial for the Pisceans.Pisces people exhibit two distinct personalities. One is quite pleasant and charming while the other is timid and withdrawn. Such people need to overcome their shyness and work on their courage and confidence levels in order to be successful in life. They also need to make conscious efforts in developing qualities of compassion, self-sacrifice, and intuition.

well,quite true by far from a real me
